Planting deeper water areas

Planting your pond 1   2   3   4   5   6  

For planting deeper water you should use submerged oxygenators, waterlilies, Water hawthorn & floating plants.

Shelf Suitable for shelf depth 45cm+ (approx 18”+) below water surface level : Planting deeper water 45cm(18") plus:

1. Oxygenating pond plants keep a pond clean:

  • Planting oxygenating plants is really easy.
  • Drop the plant material into the deep water as they arrive to you.
  • They are sent bareroot as pieces or as weighted bunches.
  • Leave the weight on the bunch when dropping into water.
  • They will find their own depth in the water without an anchor or basket.
  • Oxygenating plants root into the water and do not need soil.
  • Allow two portions of oxygenating plant per square metre of surface area for planting the deeper area of a new pond.

2. Ponds need Waterlilies to give cover across the water surface:

  • Waterlilies are the most common Summer flowering plants for planting in deeper water.
  • 50-70% of your water surface area should be covered by plant growth.
  • Spreading leaves keep the water cool and shaded and help prevent algae growth.
  • Waterlilies provide colourful waterlily flowers on the water surface of the pond.

3. Aponogeton distachyos(Water Hawthorn) for leaf and flower in March-May:

      • Winter/Spring flowering Water Hawthorn plant for planting in deeper water.
      • Leaf and flower disappears in warmer weather so makes way for Summer flowering waterlilies.
      • Only available when in active growth - between  January and May approximately.

4. Hardy British Native floating plants for deeper water:

(Stratiotes aloides - Water Soldiers and Hydrocharis morsus-ranae - Frogbit

      • British Native surface cover plants that avoid the winter cold by dropping down below the surface of the water.
      • Overwinter as dormant buds in deeper, warmer water.
      • These reappear on the water surface in early Summer as the water temperature warms up.
      • They rise and fall in the water so are not potted into a basket but grow loose in the water.
      • Only available when in active growth. May/June - August/September dependent on seasonal warmth.

Due to seasonal availability of many of these deep water plants:

        • If any plant is 'Currently unavailable' click ‘Email when available’.
        • You will receive an email when they are available to purchase again.