Waterlilies travel well now

Waterlilies travel well now

Potted Waterlilies  travel well now because growth started this Spring is still small & well below the water surface.

Each leaf on a Pond waterlily may only be 2" wide.  An early miniature waterlily leaf may only be half an inch across.

Waterlilies sent now:

  • The lack of growth seen when the waterlily arrives with you is not a problem but an advantage.
  • There is less plant material to get damaged in transit as there are shorter leaf stems or flower buds extending from the basket.
  • We do not have to remove growth for the waterlilies to travel to you so the plant has not had wasted effort.
  • When you put the waterlily basket into your pond you can do so at the correct water depth over its basket as per its ticket.
  • The small, furled leaves will continue to travel upward in one smooth journey to your surface area as soon as your weather allows.
  • They will reach the surface & open flat just the once in a season.
  • This allows the plant to conserve energy (and flowering potential).

So it is the ideal time for us to transport waterlilies to you.

Waterlily travel & delivery later in the season:

  • With later delivery you have to position the plant in the pond according to the length of the leaf stems with a flat leaf that we have left on during packing.
  • We remove the longest leaves to avoid damage in transit.
  • Place the remaining open, flat leaves to float on or just below water surface.
  • This may not be the depth you ultimately want it in your pond.
  • Leave the basket there, possibly nearer the surface of the water for the rest of the season.
  • Make sure the plant is lowered to its proper level before frost and ice in Autumn.

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