Swim ponds

Swim ponds

With the publicity surrounding the building of the Kings Cross swimming pond these have become quite a talking point. (image from telegraph.co.uk). Kate O'Brien wrote a piece in the FT Weekend House and Home supplement in 2015 and mentioned us as a source for aquatic plants for swim ponds. That swimming pond is still a huge success today and has matured well.

You can build a swim pond & recreate this in your garden. Using plants in the pond to keep the water clear can be achieved in a smaller garden scale.

This allows swimming ponds to fit into your garden design and its planted landscape rather than looking like a separate, functional item. Old style concrete swimming pools were not landscaped to blend into the garden space.

The planting in swim ponds clean the water:

  • There is no input of chlorine or other chemicals.
  • The experience of swimming in a pool managed this way will bring you closer to nature.
  • The plant root surfaces create the right conditions for the growth of beneficial bacteria.
  • Useful micro organisms like water fleas also thrive alongside the bacteria colonies.
  • This planted area should occupy at least 50% of your total water area.
  • Densely plant a good range of aquatic plants – submerged (oxygenators), waterlilies, floating, shallow marginals, deep marginals, bog and waterside species.
  • It is good to use indigenous plants as they are most adapted to our climates and grow vigorously. But also use ornamental varieties. These will increase the range of colour and flower type and extend the season of interest.
  • This also extends the period of active nutrient usage in the swim ponds planted area - often referred to as the regeneration zone.
  • Include good nutrient use plants - see our Tips and Advice page for Swimming ponds.
  • Alternatively, look at our Planting Scheme for Swimming Pond