RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2013 and we received our 3rd Gold Medal. It was the 100th year of the Chelsea Flower Show and the theme of our exhibit was British Native plants.
Andy Sturgeon visited our exhibit to do a piece for BBC TV about these British Native plants. We had 16 different varieties on the exhibit for him to choose from.
- Carex acutiformis
- Caltha palustris
- Eriophorum angustifolium
- Hottonia palustris
- Iris pseudacorus
- Isolepis cernua
- Mentha aquatica
- Myosotis scorpioides
- Nymphaea alba
- Potentilla palustris
- Ranunculus aquatilis
- Ranunculus flammula
- Schoenoplectus lacustris
- Veronica beccabunga
- Geum rivale
- Lychnis flos-cuculi
He chose the moist plants Geum rivale - Water Avens and Lychnis flos cuculi - Ragged Robin to talk about.
Our 2013 exhibit to celebrate the 100 years of the Chelsea Flower Show had a new sculpture - 2 interlocking Stainless Steel 'letter C' which represented the Chelsea Centenary and also the Centenary of the development of Stainless Steel.
We were able to plant around and through these and create interesting views and reflections. We also introduced round cylindrical stainless steel containers in the water which gave reflected views of the waterlilies on the water surface.
See photos from the 2013 exhibit:
- Chelsea Flower Show 2013
- Chelsea Flower Show 2013
- Chelsea Flower Show 2013
- Chelsea Flower Show 2013
- Chelsea Flower Show 2013
- Chelsea Flower Show 2013