Oxygenator plants live underwater and keep pond water clean and clear
Allow two portions of oxygenating plants per square metre of surface area.
The best all-year-round oxygenating plant grown in UK is Ceratophyllum demersum - Hornwort. Sent as bareroot portions (loose) as this submerged oxygenating plant floats freely in the water. Drop this into the pond to find its own depth. They do not come bunched or with added weights as the stems tend to snap. Available for the longest period of the year.
Oxygenators photosynthesize to produce oxygen during daylight hours which keeps the water fresh.
Submerged oxygenators use dissolved nitrates and mineral salts from the pond water and compete with algae growth for nutrients and so help reduce nutrient levels and limit the growth of algae.
Submerged oxygenating plants need to be maintained on a regular basis so that they only fill about 30% of the volume of the pond or container pond.