'Your Home' - Container pond as an invitation to wildlife

'Your Home' - Container pond as an invitation to wildlife

In 'Your Home' - March 2019 Page 117 you will see this piece about our fibreglass container ponds being an invitation to wildlife.

80cm container pond


  • Birds visit to drink and bathe
  • Amphibians return in Spring to mate and breed in water
  • Pollinating insects - airborne bees, butterflies and hoverflies enjoy finding water in the same place as their nectar or pollen. A small container pond becomes a one-stop-shop for them.
  • Available in 15 different colours or finishes
  • All colours in 60cm and 98cm wide too.
  • 60 & 80cm wide Container ponds are now sent complete with the plant ring support for the plants to locate into.
  • Add plants to our Container pond kits using our prepared planting collections for cover and flowers for the wildlife.

For related products - see below: