What shelf depths to build in your pond

What shelf depths to build in your pond

Plan the pond's shelf depths carefully:

It is the weather for planning this year's new pond - consider:

1. how to build a pond to suit the plants you want.

2. what makes water plants different to other plants you grow.

Construct a pond with a choice of depths of water - each depth has plants that suit it.

  • Shelf 3 Suitable for shelf depth 45cm+ (approx 18”+) below water surface level - the deepest area of the pond 45cm+(18"+) but no deeper than 75cm (30"). Plants will either remain fully submerged like oxygenating plants or send up leaf stems from the deep water like waterlilies.

Placing the right plants in the right water depth is important.

If some are too shallow they will be caught in the ice and may die.

Or if some are too deep they will not survive either. So build your pond with:

  • Plenty of shelf space at different depths.
  • Flat shelves for the plant baskets so they are stable.
  • An area of slope from the top shelf to the rest of the garden for wildlife to climb up.
  • Piles of cobbles or stones up the sloping top area to protect liner and keep it upright above water level.

For more details on Building an informal wildlife pond see our Tips and Advice pages.