How to recognize banned invasive pond plants - Be Plant Wise

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Banned invasive pond plants

As of April 2014 it is illegal for retailers in England to sell the following 5 invasive pond plants.

  • These should not be for retail sale anywhere.
  • If you already have any of these plants in your pond you should 'compost with care' and do not allow them to escape into natural waterways.
  • We do not have any of these for sale or have them on our Nursery site.

The images here are to help you recognize these banned plants:

Invasive Alien Species Regulation 2016.

As of 2nd August 2017 Elodea crispa, Eichornia crassipes (Water Hyacinth) and Lysichiton americanus (Skunk cabbage) were banned for sale in UK. You are not banned from having these in your pond if you already have them but are required to take care to compost them well.


Be Plant Wise:

The DEFRA campaign against invasive non native species backed by The GB NonNative species secretariat:

1. Know what you grow: Key pond plants to avoid are those illustrated above. These will all grow into dense mats of surface cover that will block out light to the underwater and block the flow of natural waterways. All will regenerate from the smallest of pieces so can easily take over new areas of the countryside.

2. Compost with care: Don't dump aquatic plants in the wild - you could be breaking the Law. Always dispose of pond plant material responsibly by composting or using a green waste bin. By composting excess pond plants carefully we can all help the environment and reduce clean up costs.

3. Stop the Spread: Be careful if you move pond plants around - even tiny fragments can lead to massive problems. Take care when maintaining your pond or disposing of waste water. Never throw or plant your pond plants into natural waterways.
